41. 努力赚钱,是为了遇到有钱的男人,也不用退缩。告诉他,老娘稀罕的是你的人,因为钱,我有!

2024-05-08 05:40 251 浏览

   41. 努力赚钱,是为了遇到有钱的男人,也不用退缩。告诉他,老娘稀罕的是你的人,因为钱,我有!

   women are like water, they come and go, and when they're gone, they don't leave behind any痕迹. We're not afraid of losing them, because we know they'll be back.

  We're not like men, we don't have money, and when we don't have money, we're not seen. We're not worth the money, so why should they stay?

  We're not like men, we don't have to work hard to make money. We have our own ways of getting it, and when we don't have it, we're not worried.

  We're not like men, we don't have to worry about pleasing anyone. We're our own people, and we don't have to take care of anyone else.

  We're not like men, we have our own goals and aspirations. We're not afraid to be ourselves, and we don't care what others think.

  We're not like men, we have our own strength and weaknesses. We're not afraid to be vulnerable, and we don't mind being hurt.

  We're not like men, we have our own relationships. We're not afraid to be real, and we don't mind sharing our feelings.

  We're not like men, we have our own power. We're not afraid to speak up, and we don't let anyone dictate our lives.

  We're not like men, we have our own passion. We're not afraid to be different, and we don't care what others think.

  We're not like men, we have our own purpose. We're not afraid to be empty, and we don't mind being alone.

  We're not like men, we have our own pride. We're not afraid to be seen, and we don't care what others think.

  We're not like men, we have our own hope. We're not afraid to be lost, and we don't mind being found.

  We're not like men, we have our own love. We're not afraid to be hurt, and we don't mind being left.

  We're not like men, we have our own way. We're not afraid to be different, and we don't care what others think.

  We're not like men, we have our own fun. We're not afraid to be boring, and we don't mind being predictable.

  We're not like men, we have our own adventure. We're not afraid to be tame, and we don't mind being wild.

  We're not like men, we have our own expression. We're not afraid to be保留, and we don't mind being expressive.

  We're not like men, we have our own importance. We're not afraid to be cheap, and we don't mind being expensive.

  We're not like men, we have our own availability. We're not afraid to be busy, and we don't mind being available.

  We're not like men, we have our own cheer. We're not afraid to be sad, and we don't mind being cheerful.

  We're not like men, we have our own patience. We're not afraid to be angry, and we don't mind being patient.

  We're not like men, we have our own advice. We're not afraid to be inexperienced, and we don't mind giving advice.

  We're not like men, we have our own affections. We're not afraid to be passionate, and we don't mind showing affections.

  We're not like men, we have our own applications. We're not afraid to be versatile, and we don't mind having applications.

  We're not like men, we have our own adaptations. We're not afraid to change, and we don't mind adapting.

  We're not like men, we have our own attractions. We're not afraid to be attractive, and we don't mind being attractive.

  We're not like men, we have our own contradictions. We're not afraid to be contradictory, and we don't mind being contradictory.

  We're not like men, we have our own capabilities. We're not afraid to be capable, and we don't mind being capable.


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