86. Take dreams as horses, never lose your youth.

2024-05-23 17:13 134 浏览

   In today's world, we are constantly bombarded with the idea that we need to be successful and productive in order to be happy. We are told that our dreams need to be realistic and that we need to achieve in order to be successful. But what if I told you that taking your dreams as horses, and never losing your youth, is the key to true happiness?

  When we are young, we are full of energy and passion. We have a sense of entitlement and we believe that the world is ours to take over. We don't let obstacles stand in our way and we don't let the fear of failure hold us back. We take risks and we embrace new experiences. We are not afraid to dream big or to pursue our passions.

  However, as we grow older, we are often taught to be more realistic and to set achievable goals. We are told that we need to be successful in order to be happy. We are told that we need to achieve in order to be seen as a successful person.

  But what if I told you that taking your dreams as horses, and never losing your youth, doesn't mean that you need to be realistic or successful? It means that you can still be passionate and take risks, even if you're not successful in the traditional sense. It means that you can still believe in yourself and pursue your dreams, even if you're not realistic or achieving.

  So next time you're feeling stuck or conforming, remember that you are never too old to take your dreams as horses and never lose your youth. Don't let fear or doubt hold you back. Embrace new experiences and opportunities. Trust in yourself and believe in your dreams.

  In conclusion, taking your dreams as horses and never losing your youth is the key to true happiness. It means embracing passion and taking risks, even if you're not successful in the traditional sense. It means believing in yourself and pursuing your dreams, even if you're not realistic or achieving. So go out there and make your dreams a reality, and never lose the energy and enthusiasm that comes with youth.

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